
Rerolling in Jutsu World

Rerolling is the lifeblood of any Jutsu World card collection. Think of it as opening a new pack of cards for a fraction of the price. However, instead of throwing your cards away, you simply swap them out. The total number of Jutsu Cards int he market stay finite regardless of how many rerolls have been done.

Learn more about how ERC404-J makes rerolling possible here.

What You’ll Need:

  • Metamask Wallet. We currently only support Metamask wallets for this testnet experience
  • $IP Tokens. You’ll need some $IP on Odyssey Tesnet in order to perform rerolls. $IP is the native gas token of Story. Learn how to get $IP from Faucet here.
  • $JUTSU Tokens. Each $JUTSU represents a Jutsu Card. This means that you’ll need $JUTSU tokens on Odyssey Tesnet in order to generate and reroll your Jutsu Cards. Learn how to get $JUTSU tokens from Faucet here.
  1. Head to Jutsu.World/gallery.
  2. Click the “Connect” button in the upper right hand of the website. If you’re on mobile, you’ll find the connect button by clicking the burger menu in the upper right-hand corner of the website to access the site menu.
  3. A prompt should appear asking you to connect your Metamask wallet to Jutsu World. Select the wallet you want to connect with then click “Confirm”
  4. Your wallet is now connected to Jutsu World.
  5. If you are not on Odyssey Testnet, you’ll be prompted immediately after to switch from your current network to Odyssey Testnet. Simply click “Switch Network” to do so.

The Gallery page is the home of your collection, and where you’ll be able to control your destiny as a player in Jutsu World. Some actions you’re able to do with the current gallery is -rerolls, sending $JUTSU as a fungible token, and sending $JUTSU as Jutsu Cards.

The interface has two main sections:

  1. Card Collection

The Card Collection section showcases a grid of your Jutsu cards inventory. You can scroll to view your complete collection.

You will also notice an indicator on the top left of each card which shows the amount of Jutsu Cards you own of that particular card type.

  1. Actions Panel

The Action Panel is how you do actions with your Jutsu Card collection. Let’s quickly go over each action:

  1. Reroll. A key feature of ERC404-J. What’s special about Jutsu World is we have automated the entire reroll action to just one click. Re-rolling allows you to select any cards from your collection and swap them for random cards within the overall cardset, essentially “Rerolling” your selection. Learn more about how ERC404-J and rerolling can work in Jutsu World here.
  2. Lock. Select cards you want “Lock”, ensuring they are not accidentally lost to other actions like Rerolling. In the event you do not lock, note that they follow our Card Minting/Burning mechanism here.
  3. Unlock. Release cards that are locked to allow them to be Rerolled or transferred to other players or wallets
  4. Send Tokens. Send a larger number of tokens to another wallet. WARNING! Sending large amounts of tokens may result in unintentionally losing unlocked cards based on the Card minting/Burning mechanism. Be sure to lock cards you want to keep and play with.
  5. Send Cards. Send specific cards to another wallet.

Step 3: Let’s Reroll!

  1. Select “Reroll” in the Action Panel of the your Gallery to get started

  1. Select any number of cards you’d like to Reroll. Select cards by clicking on the cards. Selected cards will have an orange border and a orange panel below indicating the number of each card you’ve selected.

  1. For cards that you have multiple copies of, you can toggle how many you’d like to Reroll by clicking the plus (+) to increase the number or minus (-) to decrease the number.

  1. During Rerolls, the Action Panel displays a summary of your selection by Rarity (indicated by # of stars). In the screenshot below, six (6) common rarity Jutsu Cards have been selected.

    A projected fee for the cost of reroll is shown. This fee is akin to opening a single Card from a new Card Pack. With this, anyone can regenerate Jutsu Cards at a fraction of the cost of 1 $JUTSU token instead of going through the hassle of trading in illiquid NFT marketplaces. Welcome to the magic of Rerolling.

  1. Once satisfied with your selection, click the “Reroll” button in the Action Panel to start the Reroll!
  2. A transaction prompt will appear from your Metamask. Confirm the transaction and proceed to Rerolling.
  3. Sit back, relax, and enjoy as your new Rerolled cards are revealed to you!

  1. Once the reveal is complete, your cards will be available for viewing in your Gallery. Congratulations! You now know how to Reroll. This is just the beginning of your collecting journey, we look forward to seeing you build and battle with your epic collection!


Last Updated At: Thu, 07 Nov 2024 08:22:36 GMT